Per the usual protocol with most facilities that engage in research of any sort, a bit of discretion is practiced when disseminating details related to the program that’s more commonly referred today as The Audio Plaza, or for short – tAP. Regarded as a “social experiment rooted in sound” since its early development, confidentiality has always been maintained surrounding the trials that take place at tAP as to influence outcomes as least as possible. No spoilsies.
But, here’s what can be disclosed:
tAP has been initiated with the intent to exhibit a set of principles, confirm hypotheses, and also communicate some ideas. To increase the probability of success, the institution diverged into two branches:
A professional sector, operating in a commercial capacity, dedicated to assisting businesses by developing products and rendering services peripheral to sound and/or its design. Creating opportunities for partnership with interested party also falls under its priorities.
The other contingent, considered to be a marketing department of unprecedented sorts for its direct involvement in DJing and other formats of music creation, is designed to embody and convey the sentiments that inspired the inception of the program.
Basically, if tAP were a mullet (or a real mean shag), this division is the party in the back. Besides the ACTUAL parties produced, one can enjoy the live and recorded mixes, mash-ups, remixes, original music, collaborative works, and other moments contrived by this portion of the operation.